Thursday, April 28, 2005
All That Remains by Patricia Cornwell
It seems I'm hooked on Patricia Cornwell's Kay Scarpetta novels and there are 10 still to go.
Battle Trax @ National H.O.G. Rally, Richmond
Emphasizing personal best, rather than head-to-head competition or speed,
BATTLETRAX allows a rider to explore handling and braking limits in a safe,
challenging environment. Laid out on a large parking lot, the BATTLETRAX course features a series of turns, slaloms, and gates that place a premium on smoothness of operation and precise throttle control. Improvement throughout the day is recorded by each lap being automatically timed to 1/1000 of a second. To add to the fun, riders are broken into classes that allow like motorcycles to compete with each other.

my attempt at Battle Trax

If you ever get the chance to try this out... DO IT!
You really only compete against yourself and it's a great experience.
Knowledge for it's own sake...
My father started it.
When I was a child, he taught me the joys of knowledge. He would sit me down and give me an encyclopedia (World Book) and I'd just start at the front and go through the entire volume. I did the same thing with Dictionaries. NOW, we have the internet! WooHoo... tons of info. at your fingertips (albeit not always accurate... caveat emptor). No wonder I'm addicted to surfing the web!
Damn Dad, it's all your fault!
Wednesday, April 27, 2005
Divine bovines and the stacatto sound of tax day
from MSNBC's News of the Weird:
- Kim Chan, 40, of a village in the Cambodian province of Kampot, announced in March that he had a cow that was heavenly possessed and could cure illnesses by exposure to its bodily fluids, but local official Khun Somnang immediately discounted the claim, saying, "We had a holy cow here a year and a half ago (and you) don't get two that close together." [South African Press Association-Deutsche Press Agentur, 3-15-05]
- A man fled after attempting to rob a shopkeeper in Central Park Plaza in Jacksonville, Ill., in January by first threatening her and then slapping her several times with a fly swatter (January). [Journal-Courier (Jacksonville), 2-1-05]
- In March in Rajahmundry, India (about 300 miles south of Hyderabad), officials termed "resounding(ly) success(ful)" their tax-collection tactic of sending several teams of two drummers to stand outside the defaulters' homes and pound their instruments until the debtors paid up. [Agence France-Presse, 4-1-05]
- A pregnant woman named Akono was quoted in a March Agence France-Presse dispatch from London during demonstrations against U.S. policy in Iraq as saying she planned to intensify her own protest by soon going on a hunger strike, reasoning that she wants "to do everything I can to make sure my child has a secure future." [The Peninsula (Qatar)-Agence France-Presse, 3-20-05]
Monday, April 25, 2005
Seatbelts, Everyone!
Friday, April 22, 2005
Unfiltered Web Searching...
nude girls, big boobs movies, nymphets, literotica, SAT Prep, multigrain bread, lace hankerchief, Chinese Zodiac, serial killers, Wooley Spotted monkeys, home sex movies, human genetics, history of the harpsichord, male cats and excessive urination, Loch Ness monster, mature womam sex stories, peruvian soccer...
I'm not sure why this facinates me so... I guess it's the same reason I find reading weblogs so addicting.
I know, I'm sick!
Spirit Voices, speak to me gently...
Stress Management...
Thursday, April 21, 2005
Jueves, Donnerstag, Giovedì... Thursday!
Wednesday evenings are for Singing Lessons, Fridays are for going out with hubby (usually karaoke-ing), unless I'm teaching... in which case, the whole weekend is "spoken for". Pretty soon, I will be spending my Monday and Tuesday evenings in the Motorcycle Safety office.
So, I usually have something I have to do every evening of the week... except Thursdays.
One Thursday a month, I go for my Steam/Wax/Massage evening... ah! What joy, heaven... complete relaxation! The rest of the Thursdays I can do ANYTHING I want. That usually means sitting on my butt at Starbucks with my pal. I head there right after I get off from work, grab the comfy chairs (woe be to thee who gets there before me!), and we sit and chat for several hours. Oh, and we drink coffee (or sometimes I drink tea or iced coffee).
I'm so bad... I've set my Starbucks card to auto-reload! Isn't that sad?
Well, it's that time! Gotta go!

Wednesday, April 20, 2005
BOOKCROSSING... what's that?
bookcrossing n.
the practice of leaving a book in a public place to be picked up and read by
others, who then do likewise. (added to the Concise Oxford English Dictionary in August 2004)
This is a great idea! In fact, I think it's such a terrific idea... I've been a member for years. How many books have I released? Zero... zip... nada. I guess I'm just really territorial about the books I read and enjoy... I can't seem to part with them. I'm perfectly willing to loan them to friends, but I want them back. All to my spouses chagrin, my attic is bulging. But I really want to participate in this super cool idea.
I guess I'm going to have to start buying two copies at a time... sigh.
Tuesday, April 19, 2005
Deception Point by Dan Brown

If you're in the State of Virginia, you can go to and if you're in the Richmond/Petersburg/Chesterfield area you can go to and sign up for a class.
senryu duo
Monday, April 18, 2005
Motorcycle Classes
Friday, April 15, 2005
The Sybian and modern technology
what mechanical wonder
lies in wait for me?
Soooo, have you seen this? Wow! What will they think of next?
Don't you just LOVE technology??? Oh, and here's a review.
"...powered by two 1.5 HP motors."
wooooo hoooo, I've GOT to get me one of these!
Tuesday, April 12, 2005
Friday, April 08, 2005
Patricia Cornwell and short people...
especially Key West. I could go on forever about that place, another time perhaps.
Anyway, found this quote in the book today:
"... A significant portion of the human race has no idea what it is like to
be attached to short legs, and I am forever finding myself indignantly pumping
along like a handcar in a world of express trains."
NO SHIT! That's it exactly!!

Thursday, April 07, 2005
And I thought I was having a bad day
I just heard about this. Seems several motorists called it in around 5:45 am.
His identity has not been confirmed yet.
Geez! Okay, now I don't feel so down about MY life.
Bluer than blue...
I fear, might I have transgressed?
what could it have been?
Wednesday, April 06, 2005
for my 'Sis', T
Monday, April 04, 2005
free lesbian dildo sex
I watched for only a few minutes and here are some of the queries:
- How to convince a girl to give you a blow job
- Anime Avatars
- Princess Diana
- Traci Lords
- clit modification dr doctor
- plump butts
- plastic pants
- voyeur
- real sex
- buy a used cement mixer
- buffalo implant dentist
- pork loin delivered by mail
- thong gallery
I find myself fantasizing that these are all one person, a writer researching for a novel... I'd want to read it!