WoooHooo.... I went and did it! I finally broke down and bought the bike I have been drooling over for years. (bet all my buds are glad... I'm sure they were tired of hearing about it).
Picture is from my phone.... thus the teeny tiny view.
This bike is SWEET!
I am arash and I am from iran,i wanna to emigrate to your country and accidently i find your weblog,
Do u know any thing about the people that get the citizenship from spousal visa?
Yeah ,and i wanna to come out of iran from this way,you may ask how?
Honestly I have 25000$ and i wanna to pay to u if you temporary marry me just to get the visa and citizenship and after that we
simply divorce and from this way i can get the citizenship of your country,
i want from you that really think seriously about this offer and pay attention that this work is absolutely legal,
okey my email is
and i am looking forward your anser,
some info about my self:
name:arash age:19 sex:male
What? A 19 year old Persian Stud.... for little ole me????? Wow, it must be Christmas!
Pass the harasa please.
The world!! Post a picture of a nice bike and marriage proposals appear.
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