Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Today is: 2007年1月2日 星期二 丙戌年十一月十四

Of course, that's by the Gregorian Calendar...

the Chinese New Year begins on 2/18/2007

Okay, so I'm a day late. I was vegging yesterday.
I have a big muscle test on Thursday and was I studying? Nope, I feel really bad about that but I just sat on my ass most of the day. I did do a little cleaning and some laundry... but mostly just watched TV. Actually, I do pretty well with the ole Last Minute CRAM for the EXAM, but I'd like to say my new year's resolution is to study more this year. We'll see.


Anonymous said...

Happy New Year

Rick Matz said...

年 year
月 month
(January 2nd, 2007)

星 star
期 period
二 two or second
丙 third sign in Chinese calendar
戌 11th zodiac sign
年 year
十 10
一 1 (10 + 1 = 11th)
月 month
十 10
四 4 (10 + 4 = 14th)
? day? (omitted?)

I'm not familiar with the Chinese reckoning of years or with the Chinese zodiac, but I looked up the characters, and this is what you have.

peg said...

I'm not familiar with it either... I got it at the site (http://www.chinapage.com/newyear.html) I linked in the post.