Saturday, January 31, 2009

Tib/Fib break...

I wanna walk now

too long sitting on my ass
fractures suck big time!

ad·dic·tion : \ə-ˈdik-shən, a-\ ...

what did you expect?

you made me fall in love, dear
hope you still want me

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

WHY? I never....

I took one of those silly quizzes on Facebook:
What is Your
Sexual Personality?

Wow. You. Are. A. FREAK! Can I get your number? Seriously call me.
As personalities go, you out-freak, out-sex, out-lust 98% of the worldwide population.
i wish sex produced food, because you would feed all of rural China.
OKAY... I have nothing to say to that...

Monday, January 26, 2009

the process of healing...

A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.
Lao-tzu, The Way of Lao-tzu
Chinese philosopher (604 BC - 531 BC)
Okay, here's to steppin' real soon!! I can't wait. The surgeon, Dr. Weiss, says he will let me put weight on my leg at my next appointment. That will be February 9th. I sure hope he tells me I can drive 'cause I'm down right Stir Crazy!

Xrays January 8th, 2009

11 days after surgery (including lovely colors from bruising and cellucitis).

view of leg today, January 26, 2009
Looks really good, don't ya think?

I'm very pleased with the progress. There is a significant amount of adhesion going on under those scars and I'm working on releasing those. It's do-it-now with some discomfort or wait and do it later with LOTS of discomfort and hard work. The major effect of the adhesions right now is a difficulty in Eversion.

There is a lot of metal in that leg now (as you can see in the xrays). That doesn't bother me as long as it stays and my body doesn't give me trouble with it. I do not plan to be cut into ever again if I can help it. I may have some hiccups if and when I ever fly on commercial air lines.

My recovery has seemed very slow. Time is relative, I guess. I'm just bored and frustrated that I can't be out doing the things I love... well, not yet. In actuality, I believe recovery has been pretty rapid. I have, historically healed rather slowly, something I get from my mother. But this time it seems my body is cooperating nicely. I believe I can attribute that to my change in lifestyle, activities and attitude. My career change and my entry into the world of alternative medicine has been good for me in SO MANY ways. This recovery process is just another example of that.

Once again, I thank my lucky stars for finding my way to that world.
And in "Lucky Stars" I mean, my BEST BUDDY - C who inspired me, mentored me, and told me the BEST (ONLY) school to attend and My teacher/employer/FRIEND - Pam who has taught me everything she knows, groomed me to be a great therapist and teacher and who has been a terrific friend and confidante.
I love you guys more than I can express!

Friday, January 23, 2009

O-fortuna soundtrack for BDSM?

As I've mentioned, O, Fortuna is one of my favorites. I was surfing itunes today looking for different versions to download. It occurred to me that it would make the perfect back-drop to an energetic and satisfying bdsm session. This came to me as I realized how the music affected me physically. My pulse quickened, my heart pounded, I felt out of breath. The music touches me in ways I'm not sure I can explain. Yes, I've always enjoyed this piece of music... but it wasn't until today that I actually looked at the english translation of the lyrics. How apropos! The words fit my interpretation beautifully.

Then I read more about Carmina Burana, the musical composition by Carl Orff of which O, Fortuna is a part. The composition is based on 24 poems in the medieval collection Carmina Burana:

The selection covers a wide range of secular topics, as familiar in the 13th century as they are in the 21st century: the fickleness of fortune and wealth, the ephemeral nature of life, the joy of the return of Spring, and the pleasures and perils of drinking, gluttony, gambling and lust.

Ah, Perfect!

Check out the lyrics in the video above.

O Fortuna - Tecno

O Fortuna is one of my All-Time favorite pieces of music. I'm very impressed with this techno version on

Please Enjoy!