Wednesday, December 06, 2006

sooooo much going on...

Just wanted to stop in and tell you all that I'm alive and well. Things are so hectic right now. Tomorrow evening I will be evaluated on my massage routine, then I can go out and work with my practice clients. Cross your fingers that I pass that!! Tonight I have a test on the Nervous System in Anatomy class... oh goody (she says facetiously).

And NOW I have to go to work! Wow I'm tired already...


Anonymous said...

I wanna be a practice patient!!!! Do you do pregnancy massage yet? :) :) :)

Glad you're alive :)

peg said...

well, I figure by the time you come down here for a visit.... you won't be pregnant anymore.

Oh, and I'm glad I'm alive too!

Anonymous said...

lol True on the pregnancy thing! Then I'll REALLY be bone weary!

peg said...

Then you will have to make the trip!